Securing a School

A local church decided to expand their reach into the community by opening a school. School security was one of their highest priorities. They needed assure the parents that the children were safe and protected.

Here’s how we helped them.

school security via an access device

The School Use Case

Safety First with Secure Building Access

We installed access devices (door lock control mechanisms) on the main doors of the school and the church. The access devices control the doors via a time schedule, pass code, key card, or a button push from a phone. Since the access devices have cameras and microphones, the staff can see and converse with visitors before they enter.

Visitors can push a button on the access device which will place a phone call to the administrators. Upon answering, the video feed of the person at the door is displayed on the phone and a conversation can ensue. Furthermore, If the administrator decides to let the person in, they can simply push a button on their phone to unlock the door.

Secure Access Even out of the Office

The audio and video feeds from the access device can be received on a mobile application. If the administrators are not at their desk, they can utilize the mobile app to view the video feed, converse with the visitor, and remotely unlock the door. Therefore, the staff can allow entry into the building when they are not physically present on campus or at a desktop phone.

Scheduled Control of the Door Locks

Another convenient feature to ensure school security is the online scheduling portal. Timing rules can be established so that the door is locked or unlocked based on the time of day and day of week. These rules can apply to individuals as well. Each individual user can have a distinct schedule program dictating when they can or cannot access the building. The pastor and school administrator can see a detailed log of everyone of enters and exits the building. The school security is enhanced when they have a record of all people accessing the premise.

Access via Pass Code or Key Card

Staff members can be assigned a radio controlled key card or a personal access code to gain access to the building.

  • Loudspeaker Announcement Systems
  • Paging Systems
  • Emergency Broadcast Messaging
  • Multi-party Texting