North Central Texas Communications
[email protected]
Gainesville, Texas
Test and Measurement
Phones for Business
Phone and text messaging services for business
Phones for Nonprofits
Phone and text services with special rate plans for nonprofit organizations
Phones for Dementia
Phone services for families who struggle communicating with a loved one who has dementia
SMS Text Messaging
A complete portfolio of messaging services for one-to-one, group, or broadcast texting.
Secure Building Access
Call Center Services
Features and services for managing a call center
Use Cases
Exfo / Spectra2 Replacement
How the Evolver tool can replace End of LIfe products from Netscout and Exfo.
“Hi Dad” for Dementia
Small Business Communications
See how a small business uses our communications solutions to streamline their order process
Nonprofit Hot Line
Emergency hotline service for non-profits
Contact Us
Request a Quote
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Phone Number
How Phone Phone
City, State, Zip Code
Are you currently under contract with another service carrier?
How would you describe your current situation?
I have service and am shopping for new options
New business looking for first time service
Curious about advances that could help me
Looking to save on my monthly spend
Do you currently have internet service in your location?
Yes, with cable connections
Yes, with WiFi
Yes, with cable and WiFi
No, we need internet service
Number of people requiring service?
How many people require phone service?
Phone Types
Desktop Phone
Mobile Phone
Cordless Phones
Soft Phone
Select all that apply
Calling Needs
Mostly receviing calls (example: order taking, call center, support center)
Making outbound calls (salesperson, telemarketer)
Road warrior (working in office and on the road)
Office worker (mostly calls to other employees)
General mix of incoming and outgoing calls
SMS Texting
Select all that apply
Special Needs
Door access systems, Micorsoft Teams, CRM Integration, SMS Campaigning. or just something you want.