972-295-9279 * [email protected]
Gainesville, Texas
Finding phones for dementia sufferers can be a challenge. “Hi Dad” enables simple worry-free communication for families and friends.
Our father lives in an assisted living facility without a personal phone service. Using a cell phone became impossible—he often forgot his passcode, misplaced the phone, or forgot to charge it.
Dad struggled to get to the phone before it stopped ringing, couldn’t remember how to check voicemail, and found it difficult to recall phone numbers.
We just wanted the reassurance of hearing Dad’s voice and knowing he was okay. After multiple failed attempts on the landline, we had to call the assisted living facility directly, but staff availability made this difficult.
After multiple attempts to reach dad, we would frequently have to dispatch someone to check on him..
The “Hi Dad” family phone service allows family members to start a two-way conversation with Dad instantly using a mobile app. With one button press, we can connect securely—only family members with the app can use this feature. Dad doesn’t need to do anything; he simply speaks and listens. The system automatically uses the speaker on his phone, so he can engage from anywhere in his room without picking up or dialing.
The “Hi Dad” desktop phone is always ready—no charging, no worries about losing it. Buttons can be customized with pictures for easy calling, giving Dad simple, recognizable options to reach out.
Maintaining dad’s personal relationships is important to his well being. Dad has had a single phone number for decades. All of dad’s friends know how to contact him using that number. We were able to keep his cell number intact so friends could continue to reach him.
Dad has a hard time remembering phone numbers, so we customized the buttons on his phone with the names of his children and loved ones. To make a call, all he has to do is push one of the named buttons. He does not have to keep a notebook of phone numbers or post sticky-notes to remember phone numbers.
The family members receive recorded copies of dad’s voicemail messages in their personal email boxes. The voicemail messages come with caller ID, so we can return the call for dad or facilitate a return call with dad.
Dad was receiving an average of 15 SPAM calls per day from telemarketers and even professional thieves. “Hi Dad” eliminates SPAM and fraudulent calls using intelligent filtering mechanisms designed to keep the service safe and secure.
When a camera is added to the desktop phone, video calls similar to “Face Time” can be made between the family members and dad. Seeing dad helps us to gauge if he is doing well or if he is struggling with something and needs help. It also seems to comfort dad when he can see us.
Family members can access a secure online portal where they have access to call history, voicemail messages, personal greeting set up, phone button programming, time management rules for call screening, and more.