“Hi Dad” Phone Service

Assisted Living Resident using "Hi Dad" phone service, Dementia, mobility, aging, aged, rehabilitation, senior citizen
“Hi Dad” Features
Desktop WiFi Phone video voice intercom senior aging aged dementia rehab hospitalization

Dad has his own personal desktop phone. The phone requires internet service via a cable or WiFi connection. In dad’s case, we connect over the facility WiFi network with a built-in fail-safe to ensure that the phone stays connected to the internet.

His Cell Phone Number Came with Him

Maintaining dad’s personal relationships is important to his well being. Dad has had a single phone number for decades. All of dad’s friends know how to contact him using that number. We were able to keep his cell number intact so friends could continue to reach him.

The family members receive recorded copies of dad’s voicemail messages in their personal email boxes. The voicemail messages come with caller ID, so we can return the call for dad or facilitate a return call with dad.

Mobile application video phone voice senior aging hospital rehab assisted living dementia